BLOG ENTRY 008: The Blessing Behind The Struggle

When people say that a lot can change in a week, they’re right. What they don’t say is that it’s God who allows all the change to happen. It didn’t start off great but it’s our response that affects us, especially the relationship I have with my twin sister. She loves to give to others to show her love. When I came back home from work Monday, she was playing my favorite Taylor Swift song and walked me to my room where my bed was filled with fall-flavored snacks. I almost cried. Tuesday, I got my hair done back to my natural color, blonde. During that hair appointment, my sister sent me photos of a car that was available to purchase before Friday, so the next day, my family all went to pick up my new car. With all of the photos and details about this car, it shocked me how much I was going to receive. I was so overwhelmed with all of the upgrades from my old car, which I was older than the car by a few months, the CD player, camera, and GPS didn’t work. It was also a hand-me-down car, but I was still grateful that I had a car that I used to go to work, church, and hang out with my friends. Now, I have a smart car, and I feel so spoiled! I am not used to a really nice car! Now my sister can ride with me and we can go out to eat and hang out with each other. That’s what is so important to me now more than ever. Also, I got my new glasses since not going to an eye doctor in two years, so my appearance has changed a lot in the span of a few weeks and even buying a Stanley (I caved). And as it turns out, my second class I enrolled in doesn’t start until October!

What I took from this week was that I didn’t feel like I deserved these blessings! All the things I started to worry about since the end of July and early August have now been living proof of God’s hand and His promise over my life. They all seemed small and materialistic, like getting a car and getting into a new fall semester but they made a difference to my identity. If you told me that all of these blessings would happen this week, I wouldn’t believe you. THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT GOD IS GOOD! When you are satisfied with the little you have, no matter what condition it’s in, He shows you that it wasn’t even CLOSE to being enough. When you give it all to Him, He responds in blessings you couldn’t ask, think, or imagine.

I pray that He shows you more promises that prove that they are more than enough for you. I hope that you walk in obedience, if it’s taking your co-worker’s shift or stepping into a new role at home, believe that there is more than meets the eyes of men and meets the eyes of God with expectancy that He will provide for you. Believe that He is your provider. Teach me to respond in obedience this week. Trust in Him for what you’ve been praying for.


keep pouring,

Khalie x


BLOG ENTRY 009: August Favorites
