BLOG ENTRY 025: How to Pour out Intentionally
This is the year of more. For me, this means more roles to take upon and fulfill. Now, I have posted a blog last year that is all about how to fill up your own cup. This wasn’t made for selfish intent, because as someone who struggles with mental health, it can be challenging to balance the time I spent pleasing others (don’t recommend) and not enough time to myself.
You might be wondering, ‘how many roles do you fulfill? what does that mean?’
Think about it, for me, I am a sister, a co-worker, a leader, a creative, a student, a friend,ect.
It’s come to my attention that I have only picked a few of these to put on display and make them my personality. Now I know that I want to be known for more. Not as the ‘coffee girl’, which was my goal when I first became a barista. But when I am no longer on this earth, what will people describe me as? What story do I want to tell?
Maybe it’s just an age thing and I’m still trying to figure out how to live out my purpose God gave me. I finally realized there is more to me than the titles I hold, but now I am trying to find out how to be intentional with the roles I have in my life.
It depends on how I want to be known and how I want to lead others.
Here are some things I came up with to pour out intentionally:
Start small.
I’m an over-achiever and think I should start with a bang. Starting small for me looks like going to meet up with a friend for coffee, or reaching out for prayer requests, and working on one video at a time. It takes discipline to take on these roles and starting small helps me get familiar of how to be better for others, as well as for myself. I know what I can work on and if I can start working on school and creating content, I can choose to do those in small increments throughout the week and be done before the week even ends.
2. Ask for help.
I know I can’t do everything on my own! Now that my spring semester started two weeks ago and now that I am taking accounting, I will be asking for help! This is not a sign of weakness. I have so many people in my corner who can pray on my behalf, and help me make content, homework help, making drinks during my shift, the list goes on. I used to think that it was fully my responsibility and would feel guilty if I couldn’t do it on my own. It’s time to let pride go and learn through others how to overcome my troubles or worries. We all can lead by serving, even as small as it seems, there is a bigger impact to others who are working alongside you. Connecting with the leaders I have is also a huge factor when deciding what steps to take and how to lead others well.
3. Stay connected.
Staying close to my community is probably the best way to be motivated with every role I have. Talking to others with the same struggles or interests really inspire me to go deeper with the relationships I have with my friends. They can recommend new ideas to me, show me new experiences and perspectives. I have been telling my friends that I’m a ‘tired sociable girl’ because even though I know how I feel, I want others to know that I want to hear what’s on their mind. I want to be available for others without being burnt-out. I am joining some life groups and other young adult groups in my area to be connected to others who are trying to learn the same things. We aren’t meant to do life alone and pouring into one another keeps us from ever running dry.
There will probably be more I can add to the list, but I think these three are the ones that surfaced to my mind when thinking about how to pour out intentionally. I know this blog entry will be one I go back to. If I have more ideas, I will share them on Instagram! Follow me there to be updated! I’m trying to get back to posting weekly journal prompts on my stories, I know how you liked responding to those!
Share your thoughts or the ways you are/planning to pour out more. I can’t wait to hear from you!