pouring praise and coffee

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BLOG ENTRY 019: State of Gratiude

I am currently writing this entry on Sunday and feeling very stressed because this week is going to be the most occupied week I’ve had in a long time. With the art of juggling work, school, and social media projects for church, this a new personal record. Now that I have told you this, you might be wondering why I am doing this, what is the reason?

Last week came with its own tricks that I didn’t know what to do with all of them. I try to look back at the ways to fill up my own cup, but it looks like procrastinating schoolwork until Saturday night and writing this entry on a Sunday afternoon. So instead of crying from stress and complaining, I decided to let thankfulness and gratitude walk with me during this week.

November is meant to be all about thanksgiving, being appreciative of all of the blessings, people, work, community, coffee, you name it, I’m grateful!

But the big question is how do we stay in the state of gratitude year-round?

For us college students, we are grateful for the semester to end next month!

Us baristas we’re thankful for the team we have and for our regulars!

Christian girls, we’re thankful for the community we have and someone who understands our lives better than anyone else!

It’s easy to be happy for everyone else, but when does it feel like it’s my turn?

Thankfulness comes in a multitude of ways, for me, I’m starting to take more photos of what makes me grateful. When I look at my phone now, I can see what I fill my life with. Plus, the more photos I take, the longer the list of big & small things to fill up my life. Thankfulness also comes in our struggles. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says,

give thanks in all circumstances, for this us the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

After reading that verse, it’s one that is always preached about every November, but it has so much impact to me right now as the holidays are almost here. Jesus has made the ultimate sacrifice for us to have the gift of freedom and perfect love that drives out all fear. There is so much given to us, and I always try to let others around me know that there is always room for grace, no matter what they are going through. Instead of waiting for your friend to tag you on their Instagram story to exclaim their thankfulness with cute photos, text them encouragement that lifts them to accomplish what couldn’t have done on their own. We all need a personal cheerleader, and I know a guy! (get it?) God will cheer for us, and we will praise Him anytime and everywhere! His will for us is the best way to live for Him and others. Now I’m feeling all sentimental over how sweet it truly is to be thankful for Christ.

November is only the kickstart to the holiday season, so let’s get ready to celebrate Jesus all month long!

Now some encouragement for my barista friends:

The busiest time of the year has arrived, customers are already ordering peppermint mochas and most of those iced lattes are now hot. Remember that we are not strong on our own, rely on your team and appreciate the plans your coffee shop has in store for the business. We are getting ready for the calm before the storm. Stay ready so you don’t have to get ready, keep up the good work! Celebrate the little success and customer’s life updates. I’m trying to enjoy all the maple-flavored coffees I can make! Friendsgiving is almost here so surround yourself with those who are in your corner. The holidays can show the best and worst versions of yourself, so make sure you are taken care of and treat yourself to what the holidays offer away from the bar. There is more to your life than your position as a barista. For the seasonal workers, get ready for the ride! Enjoy every second of it, open your mind to what the holidays have to offer. There is magic during this time of the year. Last year at my shop, we envisioned a Hallmark Christmas, yep, you read that right. But the magic of Christmas was there! Living through others during this time is also a relief for us, so it is not always about us. Serve others to the best of your ability. Be the Christmas cheer for someone this year by making the best festive drink and having an ear to listen. Listening is key during the holidays. It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

That is all I have for you guys this week; I hope this encouraged you in any way! If you want to share your thoughts, go to my Instagram, I’d love to hear from you!

Keep Pouring,

Khalie x