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BLOG ENTRY 018: The Root Of Comfort Christianity

Once I published last week’s blog entry, I still felt like there was more to address. If you haven’t read last week’s, you can read it here. I described what comfort culture and being lukewarm, which leads us to becoming comfortable with our relationship with Christ. This week’s entry is more about the root of how we get so deep into feeling comfortable.

The first thing comes to my mind when I asked myself what the root of comfort Christianity is FEAR. Fear drives what actions we take and the way we view our own lives. I have always pictured fear as a moving car. What drives it? Fear. Our rear view mirrors? Fear. It takes control of the gears and direction we steer towards. Fear can be a wolf covered in sheep’s skin because when we first discover it, it blends into the habits and sources we look into but when we dissect it, it actually stems from fear. Its varieties are insecurities, the thoughts we are held captive by, the opinions from others, our flesh, and our enemies. And guess what? The sword of the Spirit has what we need to defend ourselves in battle when we are battling against fear.

2 Timothy 1:7

Isaiah 41:13

Proverbs 3:25-26

Proverbs 29:25

Psalm 23:4 (My personal favorite)

Most Bibles have a section of what the word says about certain topics, and these are what I find in mine about fear.

Here are some verses for those who their thoughts are their giant, their enemy, and drives them to fear:

Philippians 4:6-8

1 Peter 5:7

Matthew 6:25-34

Joshua 1:9

Psalm 55:22

In the Bible App, you can search ‘anxiety’ and find all of these verses and I really encourage you to read all of these and meditate on them, memorize them. You can use this against those thoughts and the devil when he tries to steal your peace. I remember when I read these verses over and over and being annoyed. Honestly, that only shows my heart being hardened because I didn’t meditate over those scriptures. I wanted something more when all I needed was literally right in front of me, not really seeing the true meaning and not living out those verses.

The word fear is mentioned in the Bible (ESV) 437 times, the KJV being over 500. Did you know that the phrase ‘do not be afraid’ is mentioned 365 times, enough times to serve as a daily reminder from God to not to cast our cares on Him.

The first mention of fear is in Genesis 3:10 because Adam and Eve knew everything, even the one rule they had, Adam had responded to God after being tempted by the devil and trying to hide from the Lord.

What does this have to do with comfort Christianity? If we are moving by fear, we can get really comfortable with what we know and go to other things to soothe us. You can imagine what I mean by that. Eventually, it’s a cycle; we get afraid, we go back to our habitual sin, and then repent, and repeat it all over again. If you’re feeling convicted by this, bring it to God, if you don’t feel anything moving and after giving it time to try again and again, go to your mentors and your community. Matthew 18:20 ESV says ‘For when two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them’

So, how do I get rid of fear? Address it. Confess it. It sounds simple but some people are uncomfortable with being vulnerable when that is exactly what we need, to be honest, open, and transparent to Jesus Christ. Dissect what is making you afraid and how it’s affected you. It doesn’t need to happen with an articulate prayer, it’s simply having a conversation with your best friend. He listens. Then replace it with scripture, you can use the ones cited above. There is so much power when your recite the Bible.

A few years ago, a senior in High School, my anxiety was taking a physical toll on me (I didn’t eat as often and lost five pounds) and my spirit, and I PRAYED. It didn’t work and my dad thought that I didn’t have enough trust in God, didn’t pray enough, not enough faith. Stress does take a physical toll through chest pains and that year I decided to take medication. Does that make me feel comfortable? No, but I have a easier time manage it and now I rely on God more than I did at the time I got my first prescription. God can deliver me and He will! Confessing this brings awareness of what is holding me back to staying comfortable with I have always done. Bringing light to this situation can invite the light over my thoughts and bring reality to my life. No Christain is perfect, we all struggle, be we should never be comfortable with the stress and pain that stems from fear. So, fix your thoughts that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely. (Philippians 4:8) Those things we think about are idols we worship. If we are comfortable with that, we are deep to comfort Christianity. Romans 12:2 tells us to renew our mind daily.

Now, one action that I do is to pray daily, as I’m driving to work, when I’m in the parking lot, when I’m sitting in my living room and my bedroom. I ask to take those thoughts that aren’t of Him and to have the attributes and Godly characteristics, truly being a daughter of the King. The rest of my day is rooted in that prayer mindset. Getting in the word is a struggle of mine but I give myself to grace and have Him lead me and speak to me as I begin to meditate on the Word. Also, having the armor of God is so vital. Ephesians 6:11-20 has all the armor you need to defeat comfort and fear.

Comfort Christianity comes from compromising with fear and settling for what you are going through without trusting what God has done and what He has promised you with. Forgetting your calling is one side effect of comfort Christianity and trends of self-care utilizes on settling alone with the struggles. The devil wants you to stay home and not be connected in community, to quit pursuing Jesus.

Have people who will stand with you in the battle of comfortability, pray for you, ground you in truth, speak truth over you, walk alongside you, and deflect when they see the enemies’ schemes in your life. We all deal with something, but our friends should never think that it’s comfortable to stay in that position. Don’t just read the Bible to read it, like a chore, meditate and fix your eyes on Him. Be a master of the Bible so you can call the devil out (roast him!) and call out the name of the Lord. So, my final piece of advice is to never stop praying. Be in union with Him, and He will give you what you need.

I pray for all of us who struggle with feeling comfortable in this season of life when we are clearly suffering. If you are looking for a prayer that goes deeper, go to my Instagram.

Thank you for reading &

Keep on pouring,

Khalie x